Night Goblins

"There are... fouler things than Orcs in the deep places of the world."
A Journey In The Dark, The Fellowship of the Ring

Night gathers, and now my squig begins...

Points: 1,200
General: Stylus
WoffBoots: n/a

Da Nocturnal Waaagh!

Blacktoe - Warboss

Night Goblin Warboss
"Blacktoe commands all da Night Gobbo tribes beneath Crag Mere, which 'ee rules by low cunning, wild squigs, and wearing the lucky toebone of a Black Orc around 'is neck."

Shroom - Great Shaman

Night Goblin Great Shaman
"Da will of Gork (or possibly Mork) can only be divined by consuming as much fungus as possible. Shroom is willin' to take on dis awesome burden for da good of all gobbos. Until 'is 'ead explodes."

Hopsplat - Big Boss on Great Cave Squig

Night Goblin Big Boss on Great Cave Squig
"From dank underground caves bounces forth da fearless Hopslat and his trusty squig, Betty. Trespassers will be jumped on, eaten, or jabbed wiv a pointy stick."

Dipstik - Shaman

Night Goblin Shaman
"Unlike da uvver shamans, Dipstik enjoys a more relaxed relationship with da Orky gods: he don't bovver them with prayers, and dey don't blow 'im up with Waaagh! magic."

Da Panther Caps - Spears

Night Goblin Spears

Da Scarlett Hoods - Archers

Night Goblin Archers
Night Goblin Fanatics
"Da Scarlett Hoods are da cleverest of all da gobbos, 'cos dey stays far away from da enemies and sticks dem wiv arrers."

Da Stumpy Puffballs - Squig Herd

Squig Herd
"Da Puffballs 'az da best livestock to be found under da mountains. Free-range, trapped by experts and fed on only da best snotlings. Dey even gives da teef a nice polish before setting dem loose."

Da Knights of Shiitake - Squig Hoppers

Squig Hoppers
"Da bravest, da boldest and da bounciest of all gobbos. Da Knights of Shiitake will roam da battlefield, looking fer jousts an' honour an' anyfink dat will calm down da squigs fer two minutes."

Porcini - Mangler Squig

Mangler Squig
"Porcini is da playful squig. Will frolic along da enemy battlelines all night long. Always keen to play wiv uvvers. Likes stunties. but will eat anything."

Chanterelle - Mangler Squig

Mangler Squig
"Chanterelle is da bashful squig. Usually found alone, chewing on mushrooms and slow-moving handlers. Dislikes battle as too noisy and violent, and will smash up everything dead quick to get back to da quiet."

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