High Elves

"... a secret fire kindled within. Tall, and fair of face, and masterful, eyes piercingly bright and hair raven-dark; in the pursuit of all purposes eager and steadfast... the most subtle in mind and the most skilled in hand."
Of Fëanor and the Unchaining of Melkor, The Silmarillion

Keeping it light
Keeping us tight

Points: 1,800
General: Palafox
Battles: Won 3 / Drew 0 / Lost 0


The Righteous of Asuryan

Prince on Elven Steed

Torn from his home, this exiled Prince of Tiranoc unites his scattered kin with lance and sword and sheer force of will.


In the depths of the Avelorn forest dwells an ascetic of the Aethyr. Master of the element of air, the element of earth, the element of water, the element of fire, and the element of surprise.

Battle Standard Bearer

Devoted to Asuryan as no other, this humble acolyte alone is permitted to bear the standard that unites the Isle. To sacrifice what we are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying.


He who fights with dragons should look to it that he himself does not become a dragon.


Only the purest scholars of Saphery are permitted to take their Art into battle, calling down magical conflagration upon thine enemy.


Betwixt dragon and phoenix, liquid fire and molten gold, the untarnished spears of these children of Yvresse stand every ready, ever proud.


Citizens of Cothique stand ready to draw string in the cause of their folk. All the armour in the world will avail you naught from a keen eye, and a sure shot.

Ellyrian Reavers

Clad with coats of fine mail and girt with spear and sword. From their bows they bear arrows, black-feathered and barbed with steel, but the points painted red.

Dragon Princes of Caledor

There are not many who remember. They say a handful still survive, to tell the world about the way the lights went out. And keep the memory alive.

Shadow Warriors

The brightest flames cast the longest shadow. The Nargarythe exiles burn with unending fury against their dark kin. Unceasing, unquenchable, unstoppable.

White Lion Chariot

Merciless to their enemies, loyal to their hunger, colder than the snowfalls of Chrace. The king of beasts is now the lord of battle.

Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower

From the cliffs of Lothern, the claws of the sea eagle strike down once more upon their prey. Swift and sudden.

Regimental Mascot

All our theories about ... what they were capable of. We weren't even close. They were smart. They were smarter than dolphins or whales. They were even smarter than primates.

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