Saturday 11 October 2014

EXT: Gloomy Monument

Whilst you're painting rank and file, it's nice to have a treat at the end of them. 

Snowy and dead, that's how I like my greenery. 

I'm getting stuck into all those purple elves you saw in the last battle report, making them marginally less purple by degrees, and I'll have a few shots of the first units in a couple of days. In the meantime, my mid-week refresher was this, the monument from the Garden of Morr. 

Nice kit, really, very flexible on the battlefield with appropriately grim bases to match. I'm keeping it all unglued so I can just stick the bottoms out as scatter scenery if desired.

Slightly different pale stone colours this time - XV88 plus Agrax as usual, but then drybrushed with Steel Legion Drab and Tau Light Ochre, before a little fine detail with Pallid Wych Flesh. The roses were Rhinox Hide, Scab Red on the petals and a drybrush of XV88.

A few light stipples with Dark Angels Green and Typhus Corrosion, then the usual splatter of bicarb, White Scar and PVA. And done!

Grimdark Garden Gnome
Net time taken: about 45 mins, excluding drying times

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