Forces of Chaos

"...things fell sick and rotted, and rivers were choked with weeds and slime, and fens were made, rank and poisonous, the breeding place of flies; and forests grew dark and perilous, the haunts of fear..."
Of the Beginning of Days, The Silmarillion

The Slaughtertrail of Ghur

Like a circle in a spiral,
Like a wheel within a wheel.
Blades of Khorne
Disciples of Tzeentch
Monsters of Chaos
Slaves To Darkness

Warscrolls: 22
Points: 3,950
General: Stylus
WoffBoots: X
Battles: Won 6 / Drew - / Lost 7


Morghur The Shadowgrave, Master of Skulls

Morghur, Master of Skulls
Foul in wisdom, cruel in strength, misshaping what he touched, twisting what he ruled.

The Blood Gulpers - Bestigor

Beastmen Gor
Beasts became monsters of horn and ivory and dyed the earth with blood.

The Red Stampede - Gor

Beastmen Gor
Curses they heeded not, nor understood the tongues of western men; crying with harsh voices like beasts.

Blades of Khorne

Redarg Bloodfane - Exalted Deathbringer

Redarg Bloodfane - Exalted Deathbringer
He cast aside his shield, and wielded an axe two-handed; and it is sung that the axe smoked in the black blood...

Vexnar the Reaper - Aspiring Deathbringer

Vexnar the Reaper - Aspiring Deathbringer
Smote once more upon the brazen doors, and challenged ... single combat.

Kore Hammerskull - Skullgrinder

Kore Hammerskull - Skullgrinder
A great anger without hope burned him as he smote the red iron on the anvil.

Heldrax Goretouched - Slaughterpriest

Heldrax Goretouched - Slaughterpriest
With spilling of blood and torment and great wickedness, men made sacrifice...

Disciples of Tzeentch

The Argentate Seigneur - Gaunt Summoner

Gaunt Summoner - Tzeentch Arcanites
From this summons came many woes that afterwards befell.

Tauraphix, The Inscrutable Chamberlain - Ogroid Thaumaturge

Ogroid Thaumaturge - Tzeentch Arcanites
Then the sleeping earth trembled at the beat of his golden hooves...

Sisilax, Major Domo of Vicissitude - Magister

Magister - Tzeentch Arcanites
He thrust the end of his staff into the midst ... At once a great spout of green and blue flame sprang out...

Zosimos, Sire of Diremption - Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch

Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch - Tzeentch Arcanites
If this is bewitchment, it seems to me more wholesome than your whisperings.

Gnawshrike - Tzaangor Shaman

Tzaangor Shaman
I am great headman... I count many things: stars in sky, leaves on trees, men in the dark.

The Tumultuous Creed - Tzaangor

Tzaangor - Tzeentch Arcanites
The heads had vulture-faces... some dreadful spirit of evil vigilance abode in them.

The Cognisant Accipi - Tzaangor Skyfires

An arrow came whistling out of the gloom: it was aimed with skill, or guided by fate.

The Brotherhood of Transmutation - Kairic Acolytes

They listened to his evil and cunning words, and they worshipped the Darkness and yet feared it.

Monsters of Chaos

Sceadugengan - Skin Wolves

Skin Wolves
Werewolves, fell beasts inhabited by dreadful spirits that he had imprisoned in their bodies.

Saddlebacks - Razorgor

I don't trust you little swine. You've no guts outside your own sties.

Kucumatz - Cockatrice

It was a winged creature: if bird, then greater than all other birds... its vast pinions were as webs of hide between horned fingers; and it stank.

Ugallu - Chimera

As they came their wings spread ever wider, grasping the sky...and they glowed beneath, as though they were lit with a flame of great anger.

D'Vriss - Mutalith Vortex Beast

Mutalith Vortex Beast
The groping tentacles writhed across the narrow shore ... One came wriggling over the threshold, glistening in the starlight.

Slaves to Darkness

Slambo - Exalted Hero of Chaos

Slambo - Exalted Hero of Chaos
He stood upon the bridge alone, and Fire and Shadow both defied.

Daemon Prince

Daemon Prince
The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udûn. Go back to the Shadow!

The Choleric Defilers - Chaos Warriors

And the evil Men came among them, and cast over them a shadow of fear.

The Wendigo - Chaos Spawn

Chaos Spawn
That dark time bred many other monsters of divers shapes and kinds that long troubled the world.


Grovelhog - Doomboar

Broga, Wereofor Thegn
Bear bee-hunter, boar the fighter.

WoffBoot XI

The Coalition of Chaos: glorious 4th place

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